Module Lessons

  • 1


    • Baxter tries to Collaborate

    • Baxter's Journey

    • Assess your current knowledge

  • 2

    Getting ready to Share

    • File Ownership and Editing Privileges

    • Recap: File Ownership and Editing Privileges

    • Sharing Files and Folders

    • Recap: Sharing Files and Folders

    • Baxter's asking

  • 3

    Files Shared with Me

    • Accessing files Shared with Me

    • Recap: Shared with Me

    • Searching for Shared Files

    • Baxter's asking

  • 4

    Collaborating in Docs

    • Working Collaboratively

    • Recap: Working Collaboratively

    • Adding Comments and Suggestions

    • Recap: Comments and Suggestions

    • Baxter's asking

    • Editing Sharing Settings

    • Recap: Sharing Settings

  • 5

    Shared Drives

    • What is a Shared Drive?

    • Recap: Shared Drives

    • How Shared Drives are set up

    • Access Shared Drives from Finder

    • Baxter's asking

  • 6

    Practice with Baxter

    • The next staff meeting

    • Baxter's project

    • Your feedback is important!

    • You did it!